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Prof. Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh, FASc., FNASc., FNA, FTWAS.

Shanthi Swarup Bhatnagar Chair Professor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulatur, Chennai, 603203, INDIA

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Ag Soft Materials Laboratory

Welcome to Ag SoftMaterials Lab, Department of Chemistry at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India.  The research group led by Prof. Ayyappanpillai Ajayaghosh, is dedicated to exploring the frontiers of molecular science and engineering. Here, curiosity drives us, collaboration empowers us, and creativity transforms our ideas into reality. Join us on a journey where every molecule tells a story, and every discovery paves the way for a better tomorrow. Welcome, and let’s shape the future together.

Helix formed by supramolecular assembly
energy transfer in supramolecular assembly of chromophores

Brief Biography:


Ajayaghosh, currently S. S. Bhatnagar Chair Professor, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai, is the former Director of CSIR-NIIST and a J. C. Bose National Fellow at CSIR-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, India. He obtained masters and Ph. D. in chemistry from Calicut University. His research interests are in the areas of organic materials such as fluorescent materials, photoresponsive materials, organogels, molecular probes, covalent organic frameworks etc. He introduced a new class of soft materials namely pi-gels and studied the fundamental science behind the creation of such materials, which was widely accepted by the scientific community. His research findings and publications are well cited with around 20000 citations with an h-index of 70 (Google citations).

      His research contributions are recognized with several prestigious awards including the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Chemical Sciences (2007), the Infosys Science Prize (2012), Khwarizmi International Award 2012, the Silver Medal of the Chemical Research Society of India (2013), the TWAS Prize for Chemistry 2013 and the Goyal Prize (2019). He was a Swarnajayanti Fellow and Ramanna Fellow of the DST, Govt. India and a DAE Outstanding Researcher. He is a recepient of The Thomson Reuters India Research Front citation award and the Clarivate Analytics (Web of Scince) citation award. He is a Fellow of the three major Science Academies of India, an honorary fellow of the Kerala Academy of Sciences and a fellow of the World Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is a J. C. Bose National fellow of the DST-SERB, Govt. India.


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